9 Big Mistakes Every Woman Should Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most sensitive time in a woman's life.  She needs  to take care of herself in this period. Long working hours, fast food and unhygienic diet is not only bad for woman but also their baby.

We have here compiled some of the common but big mistakes that are committed by pregnant woman and must be avoided for their sound pregnancy and also for the health of the baby.

1.  Long gaps between meals

Pregnant woman should not skip their meals.  They should take meals about three times a day.  The diet should be
rich in proteins like eggs, and crude vegetables for proper growth of their fetus.

2.  Snacking senselessly

Yes we do agree that almost all women are fond of fast foods like burger, pizza,  street food etc but you have to maintain patience for nine months as now you are also eating for your upcoming baby.  Just avoid junk foods as
much as possible.

3. Intake of caffeine

Caffeine is very well known for increasing the risk of miscarriage or causing low birth weight in baby. So just try to relish
more of decaffeinated coffee and tea,  fruit juices and fruit tea.

4.  Insufficient intake of water

During pregnancy, inadequate intake of drinking water may cause serious complications.  Doctors suggest strongly that pregnant women should increase their total water intake by an additional seven hundred millilitre per day during breastfeeding and three hundred millilitre per day during amid pregnancy.

5.  Lack of sleep

You should keep a check if you are taking proper sleep or not.  Doctors suggest that a sleep of eight to ten hours is a must for pregnant woman.

6.  Physical Inactivity

In your busy life you may not get time for working out but sauntering around your daily work area may cause blood clusters, varicose veins and also inflammation in legs. Avoid all strenuous activities or any heavy weight lifting. Just basic activities in yoga can prove quite beneficial during your pregnancy.

7.  Exposure to passive smoking

Did you know that passive smoking is as much harmful as real smoking. So just avoid going to any smoking area nearby. Latent smoking can lead to serious problems like failed labour,  low weight birth, premature birth and unexpected newborn child demise.

8.  Liquor

Strictly no liquor during pregnancy!  Even a little amount of it cause foetal liquor disorder and might prompt hindrance and cerebral growth or other birth abnormalities.

9.  Wearing seat belt in wrong way

Pregnancy is the most special time for women.  Expectant working moms should take precautions while driving
and they should never avoid wearing the seat belt.  Most significantly they should wear seat belt in just the right manner 
which means the seat belt has to be positioned differently as incorrect use of it can definitely hurt baby in case any unexpected accident happens.

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