First Trimester Pregnancy Essentials

If you're reading this,  that means you're probably pregnant.  So congratulations!

I just wanted to share some things that are kind of essentials for first trimester of pregnancy.  I hope you find them helpful.

You probably already know this and your doctor has probably already told you this.  Prenatal vitamins are such a huge thing in this very early stage of first trimester pregnancy. Your baby needs so many nutrients,  some of which you would need even before you're pregnant. 

Food based prenatal vitamin are recommended. Such prenatal vitamins do not mess up your stomach and do not make you queasy or nauseated. If you can find a really good high quality food based prenatal vitamin it'll probably help you a whole lot too  

Rainbow Light Petites are just really good and they're food based.  They are really small and hence petites.   You take like three of them and they're so easy to swallow.  Do consult your physician for second opinion.

The next thing that is super important when you are pregnant is to drink lots of water . Do make sure that you have a water bottle near you at all times.  You may want to use a BPA free water bottle with a Brita filter in there to make sure you have clean drinking water.

The next important thing is comfy clothes.  That is probably stating the given but comfy,  soft like swingy clothes are just really good for first trimester pregnancy.    As you're starting to grow you're probably going to notice that your clothes aren't going to fit very well as they used to and your jeans are probably not going to fit.  That's totally fine because you're growing and it's all good.   Choose clothes that are really soft that allow movements and your skin to breathe.

The same goes for shoes.  You would want to have comfortable shoes. You don't want to really be wearing high heels.  Just make sure you have really comfortable shoes because as you gain weight,  your feet for one are going to spread a little bit and you might notice that you need bigger sized shoes.  Your body is going to be carrying a lot more weight than it's used to. So you want to make sure that you have shoes that fit you.

Another good thing to wear when you're pregnant in the early stages is leggings.  Leggings are always perfect with like an oversized shirt or sweater or with a dress that's kind of casual.

I hope this was helpful. 

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