Pregnancy Tips On Overcoming Traditional Pregnancy Symptoms

Here are some pregnancy tips for nausea, migraines, morning sickness, fatigue and all those traditional pregnancy symptoms.

Nausea and Morning Sickness

These are very traditional symptoms. It normally happens because your hormones are increasing, the HCG and estrogen or estrogen levels are really really high to help support the growing baby. The body reacts to it with a heightened sense of smell, resulting in you feeling nauseous or sick. If you have tried in vain nausea remedies like traditional saltine crackers, ginger ale, ginger tea and the nausea candies, you may want to give green apples a shot. It kind of helps to clear the different assets that are moving around in your body and refreshes the body system.

The Emotional Roller Coaster

The moodiness, sensitivity, anxiety and stress could all come at the same time and hit you really hard! This happens to most pregnant women because again the rising of hormone levels in your body can sometimes affect your serotonin levels. Of course everyone's experience is different but this could prove to be overwhelming for some. Some common aftermath are crying for no apparent reason, insomnia from bombarding thoughts, consumed with fear of being a new mother, waking up in the morning with a weight on your shoulders. This can happen to a lot of women during pregnancy and something that can be very helpful is to either take a fish oil supplement or to increase your fish consumption like eating more salmon. Try to get those natural fatty acids; omega-3s , DHA and EPA. These vitamins actually helps your baby with their brain function. Apparently the way omega-3s, DHA and EPA affect you is that they help to regulate brain function and help you to control your mood. Even if you're not pregnant, it's something that could be really helpful for you. But do check with your doctor make sure it's okay for you personally.

Extreme Fatigue

Extreme fatigue and tiredness are symptoms you may experience in your first trimester as well as the second trimester. There are several school of thoughts on the reasons behind this. In the first trimester, it is because your body is working in overdrive to build these little babies and it just uses all of your body's energy to build and grow and make those babies. You will experience that tiredness and sleepiness. It is best to just listen to your body and when you feel tired, slow down, sit down or take a nap. Allow your body and all your energy to go to that baby-making!

If you are experiencing shortness of breath, do keep an eye on your iron levels and make sure that they're at an adequate level, especially with twin pregnancies as you can become anemic and this all can happen with singleton pregnancies as well. So it's just something to keep an eye on. Make sure that your doctor approves before taking any iron supplements.

Headaches and Migraines

This is again due to the surge of hormones. With the increase in blood volume that's kind of going and circulating through your body, it can trigger these headaches and migraines for some women. As you are pregnant, you can't take any prescriptions or Advil or any like that. One home-based remedy you may want to consider is to go to your room, turn off all the lights and close all the blinds. Make sure there's no light anywhere. Turn the AC on to 65 degrees, like super super cold and have an ice pack for your head just in case it gets even worse. Use a sleep mask to block out all of the sunlight and just lay on the bed and take deep breaths. Relax as much as possible.

Baby Education

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