Amazing Things Babies Do Inside The Womb

Pregnancy is without doubt amazing!

There is no bond stronger than the one between a mother and her child and everyone knows that this bonding takes place long before the child even enters the world.

This is primarily why people ask pregnant women to always stay cheerful and to have happy thoughts as it would reflect in her baby as well.

Here are some amazing things that your child does when they are in your womb.

1.Tasting Your Food

When you eat certain food, the flavors can be detected in your amniotic fluid. Garlic, anise, ginger and sweet flavors are all known to alter the flavor of amniotic fluid. From as early as week 15, your baby will begin to show a preference for sweet flavors by swallowing more amniotic fluid when it is sweet, and less when it is bitter.

2. Bonding

Massage your baby bump. We often see pregnant mothers rub their baby bumps by instinct. It is not just a reflex. Babies can actually feel the touch. During the early stages of pregnancy from around the fourth month, rubbing the belly can be relaxing for the pregnant mom as well as the baby in the womb. By around 20 weeks, babies start feeling their mother's touch. And when you start feeling your baby move in your womb, touching your baby can be a way to connect with your baby even better. Sometimes you might even catch the baby responding to your touch. This is one common way in which unborn baby bonds with its mother.

3. Babies love hearing their mother's voice

People ask the mother to talk to her baby bump not without a reason. Babies start differentiating sounds. They love the sound of their mother's voice. Research shows that a baby's language and communication skills start taking shape right from the time the baby is in the womb. As the baby grows, she.he would even be able to distinguish the voice of the mother from that of the others. This is one of the reasons why soon after a baby is born, the baby would be able to react differently and would calm down when hearing the mother's voice. So talk to your baby - a lot!  Soon you would start feeling your baby respond to your voice. Sing to your baby. Read to your baby. You would be able to feel your baby getting excited at the sound of your voice. Your baby can understand and feel you much more than you can imagine!

4. Breathing

The umbilical cord provides your baby with all of the oxygen needed during pregnancy. At just nine weeks, your baby starts going through the motions of practicing breathing and perfecting this necessary life skill!

5. Opening Your Baby's Eyes

There might not be much to see in the womb but your baby will open the eyes around week 28. Your baby won't be able to see much but will start reacting to light during the second trimester.  Bright light may filter through your abdomen and reach your baby. This won't cause any harm though your baby may try to turn away from it from as early as fifteen weeks.

6. Crying

Your little one will be crying silently in your womb. Using ultrasound technology, scientists were able to identify crying behaviors in developing babies. Researchers have even noted that babies exhibit a trembling bottom lip when crying in utero. Crying is an important communication tool for new babies and it's one they need to perfect before they enter the world.

7. Having A Wee

Having a wee might not sound like something amazing, especially when you're 30 weeks pregnant. By the end of the first trimester, your baby will start producing urine. Amniotic fluid is swallowed, digested, filtered by the kidneys, and then urinated back into the uterus, and the process is repeated.

Baby Education

Instill the virtue of patience and cultivate a sense of creativity together with your baby.

There is no better time to educate your baby intimately than while he/she is inside of you!

You definitely wouldn't want to miss this great opportunity!

Find out more HERE!!!


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