How to get a baby to latch

When it comes to breastfeeding the better the latch the more easily your baby gets its milk. 

Now perfecting the latch, that takes time and practice. If done properly you should feel a tugging sensation when suckling versus a pinching sensation. 

Here's a few tips for success. 

One of the best positions for breastfeeding is when you sit up straight on a chair or in a bed and use pillows to support your arms and baby. 

Use your thumb and index finger to form a C around the areola. Squeeze gently to compress your breasts and keep your fingers to the side of your breasts. 

All babies have receded chin so place the lower jaw well behind the base of the nipple and then tilt baby's head to latch the top jaw. 

Be sure to place as much of the areola as possible into your baby's mouth. 

Remember, breastfeeding is a learned skill. It takes time to perfect. 

If your baby's feeding well and you have no pain then you've done it right!

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